The AV Dept can supply Audio, Lighting and Staging to match the crowd numbers and budget for any festival event. From the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras tolocal council spring fairs, we can offer a package to suit. We offer audio systems from simple to complex and staging from mini to mega,as well as lighting and trussing to suit. Video and Led Wall Big Screens can finish off the list.
As well as our lighting on stage we can also use our rigging, lighting and decorative skills to decorate the whole event space. Festooning, Colour washes, Fairy lights and Gobo Projections just to name a few. We also offer power distribution for all the stalls and concessions, with all the three phase, distribution boxes and power points ever needed.
Festivals bring the community together and The AV Dept loves to contribute.
Spring Carnival, Christmas Show, Street Parade, Mardi Gras, Flower Show, Show-n-Shine, Cultural Day, Summer Fest, Historic Re-enactment, Easter Service, Multi-cultural Festival, Blues Festival, Country Fair, Floriade, Rodeo……
Whatever you call your event, contact us for a design and quote.